Wonderly Road, Knock Knocking Review
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Josh Baird has a vision of his life’s journey and no obstacle would stop him. From the decision of saying goodbye to drums and picking up guitar with countless hours of guitar lessons that meant commutes to Portland, he honed his craft and committed to playing guitar. Baird made a New Years resolution to start a country project with his brother Robert who himself was playing rockabilly and country music as second guitarist for Broadway Calls. Originally, the Baird Brothers imagined their group Wonderly Road sporting a female vocalist, but after several attempts Josh Baird stepped forward and decided to not only take voice lessons, but to take opera lessons. “What better way to learn how to sing than learning opera?” Seriously, Baird was determined to have the kind of vocal technique that would erupt the soul. Their latest single “Knock Knocking” will knock you off your feet.
Knock Knockin'
Knock Knockin' (single)
Release Date: August 7, 2019
659748 Records DK2
3:04 minutes
An ala John Fogerty ah hah! moment came upon me when listening to Josh Baird. All that training did not diminish the rock heart inside him, it only enhanced the natural talent abounding from his soul.