Sheffield, Merry Christmas, Baby Review
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Sheffield (Jamie Lono) is blending honest, poignant lyrics with a musical setting that combines elements of folk and lively pop-inspired melodies. Sheffield’s uncompromising vocal style has a warm round sound that is present throughout his vocal range. Sheffield is releasing his vocal magic on his Christmas EP titled, Merry Christmas, Baby. The three song EP has lyrics that will match the festive vibe of the Holidays. Presented with acoustic guitars, piano, bass and drums supporting Sheffield’s wonderful voice. Sheffield’s music brings a cheerful, traditional feel that will fit in nicely with all you favorite Holiday tunes. That’s the short of it!
Merry Christmas, Baby
You and Me and Christmastime
Merry Day
Merry Christmas, Baby
Release Date: November 9, 2018
9 minutes
Great songwriting. Positive lyrics and heartfelt singing that is a perfect match for a loving Christmas.