Aimee Bayles, Enough Review
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Aimee Bayles is a New York City based singer-songwriter who began her journey in the beauty of the rural south in Virginia. Her training as an opera singer and learning folk guitar from her pastor father gave her a deep soulful foundation. Her EP, Enough features Nat Osborn on Piano, Stu Mahan on Bass, Seth Johnson on Guitar, Nick Falk on drums, and Karna Ray on cello. Recorded at Rustic Studios in Portland Maine and ‘Chiller Sound in New York, mixed by Danielle Warman of Chiller Sound (Bruce Springsteen, Phish), and mastered by Grammy Award-winner Joe LaPorta (David Bowie).
If You Loved Another
Chasing The Sun
Love Is A Battlefield
Leave The Light On
No One Can Tell Us No
Release Date: March 15, 2019
15 minutes
Bayles voice has a gentleness that is personal and moving. At times her fragility is heart shaking.