Lake Street Dive, Obviously Review
Lake Street Dive is an indie-pop rock band encompassing many possibilities within its members’ collective capabilities. The subsequent music is a brilliant, largely acoustic, groove-driven strain of indie-pop rock. The four members are jazz-schooled, DIY-motivated, and classically pop fascinated and are composed of Rachael Price (lead vocals), Mike “McDuck” Olson (trumpet, guitar), Bridget Kearney (bass), and Mike Calabrese (drums) as well as their newest member Akie Bermiss (keyboards), who has been a touring member of the group since 2017. “It seems the only limitation we have,” Kearney explains, “is that we try to make music that we would like listening to.” Hailing from such disparate locales as Tennessee (Price), Iowa (Kearney), Minneapolis (Olson), and Philadelphia (Calabrese), Lake Street Dive first gathered in a room together when they were students at Boston’s New England Conservatory of Music. “Mr. McDuck assembled the four of us, said we were now Lake Street Dive, and we were a ‘free country’ band,” Bridget Kearney remembers. “He wrote this on a chalkboard in the ensemble room that we had our first rehearsal in. We intended to play country music in an improvised, avant-garde style – like Loretta Lynn meets Ornette Coleman. It sounded terrible! But the combination of people and personalities actually made a lot of sense, and we had a great time being around each other and making music together.” Lake Street Dive is now releasing their seventh studio album, which takes its name from the first word in the first song — Obviously.
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Hush Money
Same Old News
Being a Woman
Making Do
Nobody's Stopping You Now
Know That I Know
Lackluster Lover
Feels Like the Last Time
March 12, 2021