Adam Glaser, Excursions Review
Pianist and composer Adam Glaser is a refined player, but he is also an experimentalist willing to push the boundaries of his ideas in a musical setting not bound by rules or traditions, but instead instilling them into his compositions with ablaze. Glaser’s last release Wide Awake was a nicely knitted trio album that highlighted Glaser’s traditional proclivities. His latest outing Excursions is aptly titled as the album finds Glaser in the composer, performer, programmer and recording engineer seat using virtual instruments. The result is a freedom that offers a wide variety of contemporary jazz to blossom.
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Naomi's Binomial Nomenclature
The Art of Science
Con Artist
Who Wants Lentil Soup?
A Little Bit of Your Love
Lay Low
I'm Ready
Blues for Planet
It Snowed Last Night
Pursuit No. 1
The Catamaran Is Coming Around
A Man of Few Words
Double Helix
May 21, 2021